
Insects and Rodents Control in Pharmaceutical Industry

Controlling insects and rodents in the pharmaceutical industry is crucial to maintaining a safe and sanitary environment. Insects and Rodents Control in Pharmaceutical Industry infestations can contaminate products, compromise the integrity of the manufacturing process, and pose serious health risks. Here are some guidelines to help control insects and rodents in a pharmaceutical facility


In Pharmaceutical insects may be controlled through proper applications of chemicals and by some specialized devices.

1. Chemicals

  • Insecticides
  • Fumigants
  • Repellants
  • Attractants
  • Mechanical.

a. Insecticides:

Insecticides are after classified according to the type of action that results in destruction of the insects.  Synthetic organie compounds a single material after produces insecticidal action in several ways.  Certain materials are after selected and used, however in such a manner as to accomplish control by stomach contact or fumigating action.
Most of the insecticides in use today depend largely on contract action to destroy insects.

B. Fumigants:

Fumigants are gases or vapors used for the control of insects, usually in enclosed spaces.  The fumigants include hydrocyanic acid, ethylene dichloride carbon tetrachblide, and methyl bromide, chloropicrin, and many others.  A number of the chlorinated hydrocarbon and arguie phosphorus insecticides have sufficiently high vapor torility to cause marked fumigating action against insects.

C. Repellants:

A variety of insect control chemicals possess repellant action.  Citronella and creosote are rnamples of oldes materials.

D. Attractants:-

The use of attractants to hire insects to pceisous or traps has been employed as a means of control for many years.  The attractants employed are usually favorite foods for the particular insect involved such as molasses, sugar, or milk for houseflies, sugar or grease for ants, bran for cutworms, bananas for cockroaches, decaying meats for blowflies and protein hydrolysate materials for tropical fruit files such as the Mediterranean fruifly.  In some cases specific chemicals prove highly attractive.


a. Mechanical Devices:-

Aside from devices for applying insecticides, there are mechanical devices of value in fighting insect pests.   The house screens, fly swatters, insert proof packages for cereals and other contrivancess may be included.


An insecticide may include any material used for the purpose of killing insects of protecting crops, animals or other property against insect attack.
Methods of Insect Control:-
Insects’ controls are divided into two parts.
1. Natural Control
2. Artificial Control
1. Natural Control:- 
a. Natural enemies
b. Weather and Topographic influences

a. Natural enemies:-

Parasitic and predacious insects.  Every insect is more or less hindered in its increases by other insects as well as by predacious birds, mammals and other animal life.

b. Weather and Topographic Influences:-

Summer and winter temperatures, rainfall, soil and atmospheric humidity, and all similar natural factors have their effect on insects and their hosts.
2.Artificial Controls:-
a. Insecticides
b. Parasiticides
c. Sterilizing Agents

a. Insecticides:-

An in secticides may include any material used for the purpose of killing insects or of protecting crops, animals or other property against insect attack.  Insect repellants, fumigants and attractants are considered insecticides in broad sense.


These substances kill animal parasites such as itch, mites, ticks, etc.

c. Sterilizing Agents:-

The release of large numbers of insects treated by radioisotopes or chemicals to interfere with reproduction has produced high degrees of control of native populations with whom the sterilized individuals mate.

Application of Insecticides:-

Insecticidal sprays are formulated in three ways as solutions, emulsion, or susplusions. In preparing solution the material may be dissolved in a suitable solvent such as crude or refined kerosene.  Many insecticide preparation containg pyrethrum, lethane, malathion, thanite, chlordane, lindens methonychlor etc phermeaticols dndustines use are distributed in solution form ready for application.
Many of the pests in homes and industrial establishment including mice, rats, cockroaches, auto and silver fish.  Cheanliners will therefore go a long way toward reducing the insect problem within homes and pharmaceuticals industries.
Several spices of ants are pests in the pharmaceutical industries or around the premises.
For ant control the best procedure in to locate the ant colony and apply Bygone, Dursban, Ficam.


Many species found in homes and industrial establishments.  Although the efficacy of different insecticides varies with the species.
Most aerosol formulas contain phyrethum, alletturin.  Boric acid and boran in fimely powdered form applied to hiding, places and runways, are used for cockroach control, although they are less effective and slower to produce results than most other insecticides, Bygone and Dursban, coopere sprays are widely used insecticides for cockroach control.
Silver fish:-
For control of silver fish use carefully applied insecticide sprays.  Silver fish may be found in many places in the Files, Literatures, around books behind wall paper.

Preventive Measures:

  • Sealing Entry Points: Ensure that all entry points, such as windows, doors, and cracks in walls, are sealed to prevent pests from entering the facility.
  • Proper Waste Management: Dispose of waste regularly and maintain clean surroundings. Pests are attracted to food and waste.
  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of the facility to identify and address potential entry points for pests.
  • Landscaping: Maintain landscaping to avoid overgrown vegetation, which can provide shelter and food for pests.
  • Proper Storage: Store raw materials, finished products, and waste in sealed containers to prevent access to pests.

Control of rodents:-

The following compounds are commonly employed to control rodents.  They are dangerous are must be handled with caution.
a. Bromadiolone:-
This is used in baits or tracking powder for rodent control.
b. Phosphorus:-
The chlorinated hydrocorlorn spray to control the rat.

Regular Audits and Inspections:

  • Internal Audits: Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of pest control measures.
  • Third-Party Audits: Consider third-party audits to provide an objective evaluation of your pest control program.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Data Analysis: Analyze pest control data to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Adaptation: Modify pest control strategies based on the effectiveness of existing methods and emerging pest threats.

Employee Training:

  • Hygiene Practices: Educate employees about the importance of personal hygiene, proper food handling, and cleanliness to prevent attracting pests.
  • Reporting: Encourage employees to report any pest sightings promptly. Implement a reporting system and ensure quick response.
By implementing a comprehensive pest control program tailored to the specific needs of your pharmaceutical facility, you can effectively prevent and manage insect and rodent infestations, ensuring a safe and compliant manufacturing environment.

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